San Francisco Mikvah
The San Francisco Mikvah is a community Mikvah serving the San Francisco Bay Area, located in the Laurel Heights neighborhood. The Mikvah is halachically kosher and is supervised by Rabbi Yirmiyah Katz and the rabbinic staff of Adath Israel, an Orthodox synagogue. The Mikvah’s history can be read here.
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The San Francisco Mikvah has two changing areas, and one immersion pool, and we have a conference room that can be used for social gatherings and classes.
From time immemorial, the Mikvah has been the foundation of Jewish family life. It is a haven of holiness for the community.
The word “Mikvah” means “a gathering of water.”
Built according to exact rules of dimension and acceptable source of natural water, a Mikvah is a small pool, usually about four feet deep, filled with clean, clear water.
Mikvahs can be found on Masada and in ancient Jerusalem, uncovered after thousands of years. They testify to the historic continuum of the tradition of Mikvah.
In Hebrew, natural spring water is called “living water,” or “mayim chaim.” With its clear waters, the Mikvah is a powerful symbol of life and rebirth. Throughout our history, the ritual of Mikvah immersion has been a means of spiritual purification, helping us prepare for events of great spiritual significance. In ancient times, the high priest of the Temple in Jerusalem immersed himself in the Mikvah five separate times during the services for Yom Kippur, each time reaching a higher spiritual level.
The Mikvah is supported by the San Francisco community and we welcome your donations.
Questions? Please email us at